25 Mar 2025

Pulse Check – Key Papers at a Glance: Infective Endocarditis

Guest Speakers: Torsten Doenst, Michael Borger

We are pleased to announce the first of a new series of upcoming episodes, titled ‘Pulse Check – Key Papers at a Glance’. Our host Can discuss two recent and impactful EJCTS articles on infective endocarditis. Joined by the renowned, Michael Borger and Torsten Doenst, we explore firstly the implications of preoperative septic cerebral embolism for patients undergoing valve surgery. Then followed by an exploration into the use of haemoadsorption therapy, addressing the key issue of controlling inflammation during cardiac surgery for endocarditis.

Listen to gain rapid insight into the associated articles:

Effect of haemoadsorption during cardiac surgery for Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis: a REMOVE trial post hoc analysis

Outcomes following heart valve surgery in patients with infective endocarditis and preoperative septic cerebral embolism: insights from the CAMPAIGN study group

Congenital Heart Disease

Guest speakers:

Prof. Torsten Doenst | Chairman of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany 

Prof. Doenst was born in Goettingen. He studied medicine in Goettingen and Houston. He received his cardiac surgery training in Freiburg, Germany and added a clinical fellowship with Tirone David at the Toronto General Hospital. He returned to Freiburg as operating surgeon and later moved to the Heart Center in Leipzig, where he was the first receipient of a Heisenberg professorship of the German Research Foundation (DFG). In 2010 he was appointed chairman of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. His research interests include basic science investigations on mitochondrial function in heart failure. In the clinical arena he has published yearly reviews of the cardiac surgery literature (Cardiac Surgery Reviewed Series) for the past decade and presented several novel mechanism oriented concepts in coronary and valve surgery. 

Prof. Michael Borger | Director of the University Clinic for Cardiac Surgery at the Leipzig Heart Center, one of the largest cardiac surgery centres in Europe.

He took over the position in 2017 from Prof. Fred Mohr. He finished his cardiac surgery training and PhD in 2001 in Toronto, Canada, under the mentorship of Dr. Tirone David.

Dr. Borger’s clinical and research interests consist of minimal invasive valve surgery including aortic and mitral valve repair surgery, as well as aortic surgery. He is an author on over 700 peer-reviewed publications including multiple guidelines documents.

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