Sara Fra Fernandez

Dr. Sara Fra Fernandez is a general thoracic surgeon based in Madrid, practicing at Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal. She completed the specialization in 2022. Since the onset of her medical training, she has developed a particular interest in the treatment of lung cancer and in minimally invasive techniques, including both VATS and RATS. She is also actively engaged in the management of chest wall tumors and chest wall reconstruction. She is actively involved in several research projects and is currently pursuing her PhD in Health Sciences at the University of Alcalá (Madrid), focusing on the detection of micrometastases in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer patients through the use of nanoparticles.

In 2022, Dr. Fra spent a month at NYU Langone Hospital in New York, where she began her pathway in robotic surgery. Following this experience, she played a key role in the establishment of the robotic thoracic surgery program at Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal. In 2024, she has been awarded the EACTS Francis Fontan Fund Robotic Thoracic Surgery Fellowship.

Dr. Fra has authored and co-authored numerous papers and presentations in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences about these topics12. In addition to her clinical and academic contributions, she serves as a reviewer for international medical journals and is an active member of several international working groups and professional societies.

Chest Wall and Thoracic Trauma Task Force Member (2024-2027)