Meet the EACTS faculty
Davide Carino
Davide Carino graduated cum laude as Medical Doctor at the Perugia University and then stared the residency program in cardiac…
Korkut Bostanci
Thoracic Domain Chair
Isabell Just-Lauer
Isabell Just graduated in 2013 as a medical doctor at the University of Leipzig. She has been trained at the…
Henrik Fox
Henrik Fox graduated in 2006 as a medical doctor at Ulm University after returning from Tufts University in Boston, MA,…
Andreas Fruend
Andreas Fruend studied to become a teacher in sports science and philosophy from 1980 to 1983. He finished his professional…
Benjamin O’Brien
Benjamin O’Brien is the Director of the Departments of Cardiac Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine at the German Heart Centre…
Andreas Koster
Andreas Koster graduated in 1989. After training in Anaesthesia, starting in 1990, he joined the German Heart Center Berlin (DHZB)…
Luise Roehrich
Luise Roehrich absolved the first 5 years of medical school at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. In 2017 she…
Johann Altenberger
Johann Altenberger graduated as a medical doctor at the university of Innsbruck/Austria. He was trained in general medicine followed by…
Martin Strueber
Martin Strueber graduated in 1991 as a medical doctor at Hannover Medical School, Germany. He completed his residency in cardiothoracic…
Justus Gross
Justus Gross graduated at the University of Mainz in 1990. In 2005 he was qualified as a specialist in general…
Eric de Waal
Eric E.C. de Waal graduated in 1988 as a medical doctor at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). In 1993 he…
Daniel Zimpfer
Heart Failure Task Force Chair
Christian Hagl
Prof. Hagl graduated in 1995 as a medical doctor at the University of Heidelberg. He was trained in Kiel University…
Stefan Anker
Stefan D. Anker is Professor of (Tissue)Homeostasis in Cardiology & Metabolism (W3) at Charité Berlin (from June 2017). Dr. Anker…
Tim Batchelor
Tim Batchelor graduated from Edinburgh University Medical School in 1995 and went on to train in cardiothoracic surgery in Scotland…