Ghada Shahin
Ghada Shahin graduated in 1990 as a medical doctor from the Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She completed her residency in cardiothoracic surgery in the St. Antonius Hospital in Nieuwegein in 2000, where she worked until 2003.
From 2004 until 2021 she worked in Isala Zwolle, where she performed the entire cardiosurgical spectrum together with thoracic surgery. There she introduced the VATS surgery for anatomical resections for Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma, after being trained by dr. Henrik Hansen in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2007. In 2011, she led a successful robot assisted thoracic surgery program after being proctored by Professor Franca Melfi and Professor Cerfolio. In 2015 she became a proctor herself.
In February 2021 she undertook the transition to the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) where she is working until now.
Next to the work as cardiothoracic surgeon in the Netherlands, she performs annually cardiac surgery voluntarily in her motherland Egypt ever since 2010. She is founder and chair of Foundation Heart for Humane Investment to facilitate work in developing countries.
Last but not least, she is mother of Eleanore Smit, who is an extraordinary young woman.