Francesco Di Chiara
Francesco Di Chiara is a consultant thoracic surgeon at Oxford University Hospitals where he has introduced uniportal VATS surgery and has been performing advanced cases including sleeve lobectomies, chest wall resections and segmentectomies with this technique. He has recently been nominated as proctor for uniportal VATS by a leading company and hosts visitations of surgeons. He is a board member of EBCTS and has been part of the core group for the development of the revised version of the European Board Exam. His background experience includes cardio-thoracic transplantation and cardiac surgery. He trained in Italy and the United Kingdom. He has been a visiting fellow twice at the Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital and Chengdu Thoracic Surgery. He has an interest in chest wall surgery and has recently managed to include Oxford University Thoracic Surgery in a national randomised control trial on the management of rib fractures funded by NIHR.