Emmanuel Lansac
Emmanuel Lansac is a valve specialist in cardiac surgery, in the Department of Cardiac Pathology of the Institut Mutualiste Montsouris, Paris. He did his surgical training in Paris Hospital and learned mitral valve repair with Professor A Carpentier and Professor C Acar. In 2000, he did his PhD in dynamic anatomy of the aortic valve complex with Professor Duran at The International Heart Institute of Montana Foundation, USA. Since then he developed a standardised and physiological approach to aortic valve repair for aortic root aneurysms and/or isolated aortic insufficiency, based on a new expansible aortic ring annuloplasty. Emmanuel is the main investigator of the prospective multicentric CAVIAAR trial (Conservative Aortic Valve surgery for aortic Insufficiency and Aneurysm of the Aortic Root) comparing this approach with the mechanical Bentall procedure. As chairman of the aortic valve repair group from the Heart Valve Society, he gathered a large international consortium of physicians and scientists involved in dystrophic aortic insufficiency and root aneurysm management who initiated the international AVIATOR registry. Their goal is to combine forces and share experience to address key epidemiological issues and raise better medical evidence for surgical indications as well as the place of repair versus replacement in aortic valve surgery.