Cristina Ruiz Segria

Cristina Ruiz Segria graduated in 1996 as a Nurse in Spain. After a few years working in the Primary Care she moved to United Kingdom where she started in 2003 as a Scrub Nurse in Cardiothoracic Unit at James Cook University Hospital. In 2007 she started her training as a Surgical Care Practitioner obtaining her Degree and her masters in Advanced Nurse Practice in 2015. She has taken part of several educational projects with Society Cardiothoracic England and Royal College of surgeon Edinburgh related to the training of Specialist Nurses in the field of Cardiothoracics. She also recently is collaborating with Hearts of Ghana training teams to become independent operators. Her aim in EACTS will be to embrace the role of nursing within the team to improve patient’s care and outcomes.

Allied Health Professionals Committee Member (2023-2026)