Bardia Arabkhani

Bardia Arabkhani graduated as a medical doctor from Erasmus University in Rotterdam, where he also obtained a Master’s degree in Clinical Epidemiology. After completing his residency in Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), he is currently a Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, with his main focus on aortic surgery. During his residency he had the privilege to complete an aortic root “fellowship” at Saint Luc Hospital in Brussels. After finishing his PhD on surgical strategy and clinical outcomes in patients with aortic root disease, he has been involved in scientific work related to the aorta and aortic root, specifically valve-sparing root replacement surgery. He has also developed an intra-operative tool (AVP device) for the evaluation of the aortic valve in valve-sparing procedures, which is in the developmental phase. Bardia currently serves as the chair of the scientific committee of the Heart Valve Society’s Aortic Valve Database (formerly AVIATOR). His areas of focus include aortic valve and root surgery, valve-sparing aortic root replacement procedures, cardiopulmonary transplants, (total arterial) CABG’s, and aortic arch repairs.

Innovation Committee Member