The Aortic Forum
18-20 June 2025 in Prague, Czech Republic
In 2025, surgeons with an interest in aortic diseases will come together in the beautiful city of Prague for the 3rd Aortic Forum.
The programme will meet the expectations of experienced colleagues and importantly, will attract a new generation of young surgeons who will have a critical role in treating the increasing number of acute and chronic aortic diseases.

We are proud to offer this exciting opportunity to our members and colleagues across the world. We look forward to seeing you in Prague next year.
Ruggero De Paulis, Aortic Forum Taskforce Chairman
Meet the TaskforceIndustry Opportunities
The Aortic Forum provides exclusive opportunities for promotion, advertising, and sponsorship to enhance and widen your visibility.
An extensive range of support packages and opportunities are available and we will be happy to discuss these with you in more detail.

Amazing meeting, discussed with a lot of legends in my field and learnt from them during these conversations, their tricks come from experience, and you cannot find them written in the books!
2023 Aortic Forum Attendee