Bianca Rocca

Dr Rocca trained as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) and as a Haematologist at the Catholic University of Rome. She is Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC), Chair elected of the ESC Working Group of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, member of the ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines, has participated in Guidelines from the ESC, EACTS and EHA. Dr Rocca is Honorary Member of the Romanian Society of Cardiology, received acknowledgements from the ESC, is a member of the Editorial Board of highly-ranked journals, has co-authored over 200 publications, H-index 60. Scientific interests: antithrombotic drugs, haemostasis, precision cardiovascular pharmacology.

Professor of Pharmacology at the Libera Universita’ Mediterranea-LUM, Casamassima (Bari), Italy