25 Feb 2025

Expanding Aortic Roots and Surgical Horizons

Guest Speakers: Bo Yang

Are you curious about the origins and future of aortic root enlargement surgery? In this episode, our hosts discuss the surgical horizons of this underutilised technique. Featuring the well-respected Bo Yang, Can Gollmann-Tepeköylü and Miia L Lehtinen explore the creation of this innovative technique, as well as its reputation and utility in the surgical community. Listeners can expect to hear firsthand how Dr Yang discovered his esteemed procedure, as well as detailed comparisons to similar interventions and how patient suitability is assessed.

Acquired Cardiac Disease Vascular Disease

Guest speaker

Bo Yang | MD, PhD Frankel Research Professor in Aortic Surgery, Professor of Cardiac Surgery, Director of Aortic Surgery, Director of MI-AORTA program, Director of Research, University of Michigan.

Dr Yang obtained his medical degree at the Xiangya Medical School, Central South University in Changsha, China. His residency in Cardiothoracic Surgery was also at Xiangya Hospital and his General Surgery residency was completed at The University of Arizona, Tucson. He then completed his training with fellowship in Cardiothoracic Surgery at Stanford University.

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