Rich Withnall
Professor Rich Withnall is Chief Executive Officer of the Faculty of Medical Leadership
and Management. Prof Rich Withnall is one of the UK’s most senior medical leaders.
He is a Professor in General Practice, GP Advisor to the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, and
Medical Director and Chief Examiner at the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) with
responsibility for the UK’s GP licensing assessment and RCGP’s International education and training
Professor Withnall is an Air Vice-Marshal (2* Officer), and has served on seven operational tours,
including in Afghanistan and Iraq, across multiple continents,
He spent 34-years in the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and was the first RAF Officer to become its
Professor of General Practice, Medical Director and Director of Defence Healthcare – a role which
has the responsibility for healthcare delivery to all UK Armed Forces personnel and entitled
civilians worldwide.
He has acted as a clinical advisor to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and
undertook the cross-Government Major Projects Leadership Academy as Senior Responsible Owner of the
MoD’s Healthcare Improvement Programme.
Professor Withnall has advised the Government on national medical emergencies, including the
response to the Salisbury Novichok poisoning incident, and has served as Honorary Surgeon to Her
Majesty the Queen (2018), Officer in the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of
Jerusalem (2020), and Honorary Surgeon to His Majesty the King (2022).