Aortic Valve Repair and Ross Operation
- 18 – 19 Sep 2025
- Brussels, Belgium
- In Person
Event Information
18 – 19 September 2025 (2 day course)
- Course Directors
L de Kerchove, Brussels
- Location
Auditoire Maisin in Auditoires Centraux
Cliniques Universitaires St-Luc
Avenue Emmanuel Mounier 51
1200 Brussels
BelgiumPlease see HERE for more info.
- Course Format
2 days of interactive lectures, videos, live surgery and wetlab.
- Course Fee
Members: €525 inclusive of VAT
Non-Members: €625 inclusive of VATFees include lunch and refreshments.
In order to enhance interaction we have limited the number of participants to 60, allowing for active and free discussions.
Optional Course Dinner:
An optional group dinner will be held on Thursday 18 September for a fee of €90.00 inclusive of VAT.
(A return shuttle bus service is included from Tangla hotel-> Restaurant-> Tangla Hotel).- Target Audience
Course Overview
The curriculum is designed to provide all aspects of the Brussels School approach and techniques on aortic valve reconstructive surgery and Ross operation. The course takes place in a relaxed and interactive atmosphere surrounded by an experienced team and distinguished guests’ faculty.
This year, we will focus on new possibilities of surgical planning offered by 3D imaging. We will review the latest recommendation for surgical intervention in aortic aneurysm and aortic insufficiency. Surgical techniques like valve sparing reimplantation, annuloplasty and cusp repair will be detailed and illustrated step-by-step during didactic presentations, videos and live surgery. Ross operation and the different options of autograft reinforcement will be similarly presented and illustrated.
The course ends with a wetlab to practice valve-sparing or Ross procedure closely guided by the faculty and Course Director. Optional, please bring your surgical loupes.
Learning Objectives
- Describe the normal anatomy of the aortic valve and its pathomorphology in case of regurgitation and/or aorta aneurysm
- Learn about the new possibilities of valve analysis and surgical planning with 3D -CT imaging
- Recognise the echocardiographic characteristics of different mechanisms of aortic regurgitation
- Learn to expose and analyse the aortic valve and root
- Learn and understand the different steps of valve sparing reimplantation, annuloplasty and cusp repair techniques in tricuspid and bicuspid aortic valve
- Learn to evaluate operative results intraoperatively and by echocardiography
- Learn the techniques of Ross and their indications
- Discuss indications, limits and alternatives of aortic valve repair and Ross procedures
Course Programme
07:30 Registration 08:00 Welcome & Introduction
L de Kerchove, Brussels; G El Khoury, BrusselsSession 1 Moderators: B Gerber, Brussels; L de Kerchove, Brussels Practical anatomy of aortic and pulmonary roots
J Jahanyar, BrusselsLiving anatomy: when CT imaging guide preoperative planning of aortic valve repair
J Tretter, ClevelandLive surgery: Case 1
G El Khoury, Brussels10:30 Break 11:00 Session 2 Moderators: S Mastrobuoni, Brussels; A Pasquet, Brussels Evolving thresholds of surgical management of ascending aorta aneurysm
A Della Corte, NaplesEvolving thresholds of surgical management of aortic insufficiency
D Vancrayenest, BrusselsLive surgery: Case 2
L de Kerchove, Brussels12:30 Lunch 13:30 Session 3 Moderators: A Della Corte, Naples; M Pettinari, Brussels The functional classification of aortic insufficiency: from echo to intraoperative valve analysis
L de Kerchove, Brussels; G Lemaire, BrusselsIndication and technical considerations for annuloplasty in aortic valve repair and Ross operation
E Girdauskas, AugsburgLive surgery: Case 3
G El Khoury, Brussels15:30 Break 16:00 Session 4 Moderators: E Girdauskas, Augsburg; S Mastrobuoni, Brussels Deep root dissection: a standardized manoeuvre for aortic valve repair and Ross operation
V Lorenz, BrusselsAortic valve assessment and repair in TAV
M Pettinari, BrusselsAortic valve assessment and repair in BAV
J Jahanyar, BrusselsAortic valve visualization device: development update
B Arabkhani, BrusselsPanel Discussion 17:30 Close 07:30 Welcome 08:00 Session 5 Moderators: E Girdauskas, Augsburg; D Vancraeynest, Brussels The role of preoperative imaging in planning Ross operation
J Tretter, ClevelandWhen and how annuloplasty can improve long term outcome in Ross operation
E Girdauskas, AugsburgLive surgery: Case 4
L de Kerchove, Brussels10:30 Break 11:00 Session 6 Moderators: A Della Corte, Naples; M Pettinari, Brussels Indication and techniques of pulmonary autograft reinforcement strategies
M Pettinari, BrusselsDeterminants of long-term durability of pulmonary homograft in Ross operation
S Mastrobuoni, BrusselsPanel Discussion 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Session 7 – Hands-on session Wetlab training session on valve sparing reimplantation and Ross procedure Closing remarks 17:00 Close Programme and faculty subject to change.
- Course Directors