The Aortic Forum

The 3rd EACTS Aortic Forum will take place 18-20 June 2025 in the beautiful city of Prague, bringing together the most important and influential voices in the field of aortic surgery for three days of education, discussion and networking.
  • 18 – 20 Jun 2025
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • In Person

Event Information

  • Date/Duration

    18-20 June 2025 (2.5 days)

  • Location

    Prague, Czech Republic
    See HERE for more information

  • Aortic Forum Taskforce Chair

    R de Paulis, Rome

  • Local Chairmen

    J Vojáček, Hradec Králove; I Netuka, Prague

  • Forum Format

    In-person meeting
    Interactive lectures
    Live surgical cases
    Keynote presentations
    Live-in-a-box videos
    Abstract presentations

  • Forum Fee

    To be announced

  • Target Audience

    All cardiac and vascular surgeons, cardiologists, radiologists and anaesthetists are invited to come together and broaden their competence and enjoy learning new skills in the field of major aortic surgery.

  • Abstract Submission

    Abstract submissions will open in October 2024.
    Please click HERE for more information.

    EACTS Academy terms and conditions.

Forum overview

The comprehensive programme includes live surgery broadcasts with commentary from the most renowned experts in their respective field, interactive lectures and lively debates.

With a focus on the current controversies for the best treatment of each individual aortic pathology, sessions include a special focus on the latest advances in aortic valve repair and in the Ross operation. Pathology of the ascending aorta and arch, whether in its acute or chronic forms, will be presented and discussed according to the different treatment options by means of novel surgical, or transcatheter devices. The treatment of thoraco-abdominal pathologies will be focused on, the latest solution for transcatheter approach and novel possibilities of minimising the surgical trauma.

Aortic Forum Taskforce

R de Paulis; I Netuka; J Vojacek; J Bavaria; F Casselman; M Czerny; L de Kerchove; G El Khoury; T Holubec; K Kim; T MacGillivray; P Myers; A Oo; D Pacini; S Ronchey; R Sádaba; HJ Schäfers; F Schoenhoff; M Shrestha

Forum programme

Programme subject to change.